Children & Youth

Social Groups / Clubs

61a West High Street , Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 New School of Arts Neighbourhood House Inc, Cnr Spring and New Streets, , South Grafton NSW 2460 Level 1, 144 Fitzroy Street, Grafton NSW 2460 201 Prince St, Grafton NSW 2460 Grafton Scout Hall, 1 North St (river end), Grafton NSW 2460

Mental Health

Yamba NSW 2464 59 Duke St, Grafton n 2460 29 Molesworth Street, Lismore NSW 2480 32 Prince Street, Grafton NSW 2460 Lismore Base Hopsital, 60 Hunter St, Lismore NSW 2480 New School of Arts, Cnr Skinner St & Spring St, South Grafton NSW 2460 346 Lismore Road, Binna Burra NSW 2479 Shop 9, 22-26 King Street, Grafton NSW 2460 45-53 Little St, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 21 Union St, Maclean NSW 2463


162 Turf Street , Grafton NSW 2460 Community Development Team, 50 River St, Maclean NSW 2463

Support Groups

18-26 Victoria St, Grafton Nsw 2460 Killclare House, 16 Keen St, Lismore NSW 2480 18-26 Victoria Street, Grafton NSW 2460

Youth Housing and Accommodation

50 Victoria St, Grafton NSW 2460 50 Victoria St, Grafton NSW 2460 Killclare House, 16 Keen St, Lismore NSW 2480 119 Pound St, Grafton NSW 2460

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