
Boards, Political and Professional Groups

PO Box 502,Grafton NSW 2460 PO Box 57,Iluka NSW 2466 PO Box 273,MACLEAN NSW 2463 PO Box 122,Wooli NSW 2462 PO Box 64,Yamba NSW 2464

Financial / Legal & Support Services

Grafton Court House, 47 Victoria St, Grafton NSW 2460 Upstairs, 87 Prince St, Grafton NSW 2460 Room 5 Upstairs, 18-26 Victoria Street, Grafton New South Wales 2460 Corner Spring and New Streets, South Grafton NSW 2460 114 Molesworth St, Lismore NSW 2480 77a Victoria St, Grafton NSW 2460

Fundraising Groups

Jabour Park, Vere St, South Grafton NSW 2460 41 Skinner St, South Grafton NSW 2460 107 Pound Street, Grafton NSW 2460 7A/70 First Avenue, Sawtell NSW 2452

Green Groups

Shop 3, 5 Druitt Ct, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Suite 1 (upstairs) Dougherty House, 48 Prince St, Grafton NSW 2460 Grafton NSW 2460 C/- PO Box 38,South Grafton NSW 2460


Sir Earle Page Library & Education Centre, 126-144 Pound St, Grafton NSW 2460 cnr Duke and Micalo Sts, Iluka NSW 2466 7 Stanley St, Maclean NSW 2463 c/- Grafton Library, 126-144 Pound St, Grafton NSW 2460 45 Wooli St, Yamba NSW 2464


Iluka Community Hall, 54 Spenser St, Iluka NSW 2466 Wattle Park , 36 Park Avenue, Yamba NSW 2464 PO Box 1260,GRAFTON NSW 2460 208 Prince St, Grafton NSW 2460 91 Fitzroy St, Grafton NSW 2460

Progress Associations

PO Box 5148,GLENREAGH NSW 2450 Post Office Box 1,Charles Street,Iluka NSW 2466

Religious Organisations

2 McIntyres Lane, Maclean NSW 2463 126 Prince St, Grafton NSW 2460 41 Skinner St, South Grafton NSW 2460 15 Wharf St, Maclean NSW 2463 SDA Hall, 39 Church Street, Maclean NSW 2463 Joan Muir Community Centre, 194 Turf Street, Grafton NSW 2460 The Bishop's Registry, 50 Victoria St, Grafton NSW 2460 Parish Administration: McCarthy Centre, 2 Clarence St, Grafton NSW 2460 8 Duke St, Grafton NSW 2460 116 Oliver St, Grafton NSW 2460 400 Bent St, Grafton NSW 2460 132 Arthur St, Grafton NSW 2460 91-93 Oliver St, Grafton NSW 2460 13 Scullin Street, TOWNSEND NSW 2463 39 Church St, Maclean NSW 2463 259 River Street, Maclean NSW 2463 75 Southhampton Rd, South Grafton NSW 2460 64 Tyson St, South Grafton NSW 2460 5 Treelands Dr, Yamba NSW 2464

Service Clubs

105-107 Mary St, Grafton NSW 2460 2 Wharf St, South Grafton NSW 2460 CWA Meeting Rooms, 72 Coramba St, Glenreagh NSW 2450 Grafton District Services Club (GDSC), 105-107 Mary St, Grafton NSW 2460 PO Box 146,Grafton NSW 2460 Po Box 19,Iluka NSW 2466 CWA Meeting Rooms, 40 River St, Maclean NSW 2463 Maclean Bowling Club, 1a McLachlan St, , Maclean NSW 2463 Yamba Bowling Club, Wooli St, Yamba NSW 2464 Maclean Bowling Club, 1A McLachlan St, Maclean NSW 2463 Po Box 281,Yamba NSW 2464 44 Wooli St, Yamba NSW 2464

Social/Support Groups

160-170 North St, Gate 1, Shed 15A Brewhouse Group, Grafton NSW 2460 2/70 Prince St, Grafton NSW 2460 New School of Arts, Cnr Skinner St & Spring St, South Grafton NSW 2460 Level 1, 144 Fitzroy Street, Grafton NSW 2460 boat ramp, Prince St, Grafton NSW 2460 Westward Park, Bacon Street, Grafton NSW 2460 Joan Muir Community Centre, 194 Turf St, Grafton NSW 2460 Level 1, 45 Chippen St, Chippendale NSW 2013

Special Interest & Recreation

Meets at South Grafton High School Hall, 97 Tyson Street, South Grafton NSW 2460 48 Prince St, Grafton NSW 2460 Joan Muir Community Centre, 194 Turf St, Grafton NSW 2460 Part Lot 1, Small Park, 50 Coldstream St, Ulmarra NSW 2462 Presbyterian Church Hall, Church St, Maclean NSW 2463 3520 Armidale Road, Nymboida NSW 2460


1/134 Jubilee Street, Townsend NSW 2463 Student Transport Schemes - Transport for NSW,Locked Bag 5085,Parramatta NSW 2124


40 Gloucester St, The Rocks NSW 2000 82 Victoria Street, Grafton NSW 2460

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