Clarence Meals provides delivered meals to Iluka, Maclean and Yamba and surrounds from suppliers including Gourmet Meals, Lite n’ Easy and Meals on Wheels Grafton.
This service is for any person in the community who wishes to receive meals home delivered by our volunteers in Iluka, Maclean & Yamba areas. Although meals are available to everyone, you may be eligible for subsidised meals if you have been assessed by My Aged Care.
Clarence Meals is a provider of meals for: * CHSP eligible customers * People with a NDIS plan * Home Care package customers * The general public * Available for all ages
Special diets are catered for and include: gluten free, low fat, pureed and blended. Meals are frozen so you can have them available when needed. We offer soups, main meals and desserts in our range. Vegetarian options are available.
MAIN OFFICE: 02 6645 3200 (Clarence Community Transport)
Eligibility Criteria
Meals provided to anyone in need
3/137 Prince Street,Grafton NSW 2460
Level 3, The Strand,72-80 Marine Parade,Coolangatta QLD 4225
Westward Park,Bacon Street,Grafton NSW 2460
Unit 1-134 Jubilee StTownsend NSW 2463, Australia
Disabled Access Available
(02) 6646-6742
Volunteers Required
Entry is free and it is available for non-profit groups and organisations.